Arduino Starter Kit example
Project 13 - Touch Sensor Lamp
This sketch is written to accompany Project 13 in the Arduino Starter Kit
Parts required:
- 1 megohm resistor
- metal foil or copper mesh
- 220 ohm resistor
Software required :
- CapacitiveSensor library by Paul Badger
created 18 Sep 2012
by Scott Fitzgerald
This example code is part of the public domain.
*/// import the library (must be located in the Arduino/libraries directory)
#include<CapacitiveSensor.h>// create an instance of the library
// pin 4 sends electrical energy
// pin 2 senses senses a change
CapacitiveSensorcapSensor=CapacitiveSensor(4,2);// threshold for turning the lamp on
intthreshold=1000;// pin the LED is connected to
voidloop(){// store the value reported by the sensor in a variable
longsensorValue=capSensor.capacitiveSensor(30);// print out the sensor value
Serial.println(sensorValue);// if the value is greater than the threshold
if(sensorValue>threshold){// turn the LED on
digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH);}// if it's lower than the threshold
else{// turn the LED off