ESP32 Arduino 2.0.4 based on ESP-IDF 4.4.2
ESP32 Arduino 2.0.4 based on ESP-IDF 4.4.2がリリースされました。
Here is a summary of the major changes.
- ESP-IDF upgrade to v4.4.2
- Added documentation about the minimum security for connection
- Implemented a simple RGB driver via digitalWrite
- WireMaster example
- Refactor PlatformIO build scripts
- Added USB DFU and CDC tools guide in the documentation
- ADC fixes and improvements
- Added an option to skip image verification after OTA
- Improved String to print 64-bit integers
- Added DHCP Range Setup to APMode
- Update Kconfig to autoselect the proper running core
- Changed pinMode() default interrupt type DISABLED
- Fixed failure paths not setting the socket to -1 consistently
- Fixed wrong #define for BUTTON
- Fixed BLE-related issues
- Fixed timerAttachInterrupt() and timerDetachInterrupt()
- Fixed TIMER timer_dev definition
- Fixed DNS Server Memory Leak when deleted
New Boards
- Added Wemos D1 Uno
- Added two more dfrobot boards
- Added add two more Feather S3s Adafruit boards
- Added Connaxio’s Espoir board
電源を押すと、Arduinoマイクロコントローラが作動し、内部入っているオリジナルサイズの Xbox Series X の電源を押すような仕組みになっています。
超小型・低消費電力のIoTデバイス「ナノコン」の代表格が、ArduinoやRaspberry Piよりも小さく、さらに省電力のLeafonyだ。LTE-M対応等、Leafonyの最新動向を後編では紹介する。