Internal Structure

Page Classification


Page Summary
assembler code that reads a byte of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area).
macro that reads a byte of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area).
macro that reads a word of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area).
macro that reads a byte of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area).
macro that checks if the second argumen-th bit of the first argument is 1.
macro that dereferences a byte of data at the specified address.
macro that dereferences two bytes of data at the specified address.
macro that returns the address of the argument.
macro that returns a byte of data of the specified address.
converts the I/O address to the memory address.
macro that returns the address of the argument.
macro to return two bytes of data of the specified address.
macro to return a byte of data of the specified address.
macro that returns two bytes of data of the specified address.
macro to convert an interrupt vector number to a real address.
macro to read ADCL/ADCH registers.
registers which store the result of AD conversion.
register to control AD conversion.
register that controls the reference voltage, the presentation of the ADC conversion and analog channel selection.
reads the value from analog pin using analog-digital(AD) converter.
sets the reference voltage for analog input.
outputs PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) wave.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of Arduino.h.
function to sets a function to be called when an external interrupt occurs.
macro that checks if the second argument-th bit of the first argument is 0.
macro that checks if the second argumen-th bit of the first argument is 1.
read and write a bit from/to in the variable.
macro to set the bit(the second argument) of the address(the first argument) to 0.
macro that executes an assembler instruction to disable interrupts.
convert the number of clocks and time(in microsecond).
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of common.h.
assembler code to count the pulse length.
registers which determine if the digital pin is output mode or input mode.
function to resets a function to be called when an external interrupt occurs.
macro that returns the bitmask of a specified pin.
macro that returns the port of a specified pin.
macro that returns the timer of a specified pin.
returns if the specified pin is HIGH or LOW.
sets the specified digital pin to HIHG or LOW.
initializes the timer/counter set by tone().
registers to control external interrupts.
definition of HardwareSerial.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of HardwareSerial_private.h.
copies data from the receive buffer of ATmega328P to the receive buffer of Arduino.
copies data from Arduino serial communication transmit buffer to ATmega328P data transmit register.
returns how many bytes can be written to receive buffer of serial communication.
returns how many bytes can be written to transmit buffer of serial communication.
sets theg communication speed and other settings.
ends the serial communication and sets RX and TX pins to normal input/output mode.
sends all data in the serial transmit buffer.
constractor of HardwareSerial.
checks if the serial port is available or not.
reads data from receive buffer without modifying the buffer.
reads data from receive buffer.
wites binary data to serial port.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of HardwareSerial.cpp.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of HardwareSerial.h.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of HardwareSerial0.cpp.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of hooks.c.
initializes the timer counter, AD converter and serial communication of ATmega328P.
Analyzing the implementation and internal structure of the Arduino Software.
Analyzing the implementation and internal structure of the Arduino Software.
Analyzing the implementation and internal structure of the Arduino Software.
Definitions of the interrupt vectors.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of interrupt.h.
enables or disables the interrupts.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of iom328p.h.
macro that executes an assembler instruction to disable interrupts.
returns the number of microseconds since the board has booted.
returns the number of milliseconds since the board has booted.
stops the output of square wave.
registers to set the duty ratio for PWM output.
macro that reads a byte of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area).
macro that read a word of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area).
macro that reads a word of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area).
macro that read a word of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area).
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of pgmspace.h.
registers to control digital I/O.
function to configure the port as an input or an output.
registers for bi-directional I/O.
macro that returns an input port register of the specified port.
macro that returns a mode register that controlls the mode of the specified port.
macro that returns an output port register of the specified port.
measures the time of input pulse.
Registers for serial communication.
macro to set the bit(the second argument) of the address(the first argument) to 1.
macro that executes an assembler instruction to enable interrupts.
definition of Serial object.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of sfr_defs.h.
gets 8 bit of data and assembles them into 1 byte of data.
sends a byte of data bit by bit.
macro to define a function to register to interrupt vectors.
Status register of ATmega328P.
registers to control timers and counters.
registers to control timer interruption.
registers related to timer interruption.
registers incremented by each timer clock.
interrupt handler that is executed when the Timer/Counter0(TCNT0) overflows.
interrupt handler which is called when the timer/counter2(TCNT2) becomes the same value of compare register(OCR2A).
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of Tone.cpp.
generates square wave with specified frequency.
manages the relation of pin and timer.
stops PWM output of a specified timer.
an interrupt handler that is called when a data is received using serial communication.
an interrupt handler that is called when a data can be transmitted using serial communication.
registers related to Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous serial Receiver and Transmitter.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of WInterrupts.c.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_analog.c.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_digital.c.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_private.h.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_pulse.c.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_pulse.S.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_shift.c.
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring.c.
function to relinquish the CPU.
inserted by FC2 system