Page |
Summary |
__LPM_enhanced__() |
assembler code that reads a byte of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area). |
__LPM_word_enhanced__() |
macro that reads a byte of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area). |
__LPM_word() |
macro that reads a word of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area). |
__LPM() |
macro that reads a byte of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area). |
_BV() |
macro that checks if the second argumen-th bit of the first argument is 1. |
macro that dereferences a byte of data at the specified address. |
macro that dereferences two bytes of data at the specified address. |
macro that returns the address of the argument. |
macro that returns a byte of data of the specified address. |
_SFR_IO8() |
converts the I/O address to the memory address. |
macro that returns the address of the argument. |
_SFR_MEM16() |
macro to return two bytes of data of the specified address. |
_SFR_MEM8() |
macro to return a byte of data of the specified address. |
macro that returns two bytes of data of the specified address. |
macro to convert an interrupt vector number to a real address. |
macro to read ADCL/ADCH registers. |
registers which store the result of AD conversion. |
register to control AD conversion. |
register that controls the reference voltage, the presentation of the ADC conversion and analog channel selection. |
analogRead() |
reads the value from analog pin using analog-digital(AD) converter. |
analogReference() |
sets the reference voltage for analog input. |
analogWrite() |
outputs PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) wave. |
Arduino.h |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of Arduino.h. |
attachInterrupt() |
function to sets a function to be called when an external interrupt occurs. |
bit_is_clear() |
macro that checks if the second argument-th bit of the first argument is 0. |
bit_is_set() |
macro that checks if the second argumen-th bit of the first argument is 1. |
bitRead()/bitSet()/bitClear()/bitWrite() |
read and write a bit from/to in the variable. |
cbi() |
macro to set the bit(the second argument) of the address(the first argument) to 0. |
cli() |
macro that executes an assembler instruction to disable interrupts. |
clockCyclesPerMicrosecond()/ clockCyclesToMicroseconds()/ microsecondsToClockCycles() |
convert the number of clocks and time(in microsecond). |
common.h |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of common.h. |
countPulseASM() |
assembler code to count the pulse length. |
registers which determine if the digital pin is output mode or input mode. |
detachInterrupt() |
function to resets a function to be called when an external interrupt occurs. |
digitalPinToBitMask() |
macro that returns the bitmask of a specified pin. |
digitalPinToPort() |
macro that returns the port of a specified pin. |
digitalPinToTimer() |
macro that returns the timer of a specified pin. |
digitalRead() |
returns if the specified pin is HIGH or LOW. |
digitalWrite() |
sets the specified digital pin to HIHG or LOW. |
disableTimer() |
initializes the timer/counter set by tone(). |
registers to control external interrupts. |
HardwareSerial |
definition of HardwareSerial. |
HardwareSerial_private.h |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of HardwareSerial_private.h. |
HardwareSerial::_rx_complete_irq() |
copies data from the receive buffer of ATmega328P to the receive buffer of Arduino. |
HardwareSerial::_tx_udr_empty_irq() |
copies data from Arduino serial communication transmit buffer to ATmega328P data transmit register. |
HardwareSerial::available() |
returns how many bytes can be written to receive buffer of serial communication. |
HardwareSerial::availableForWrite() |
returns how many bytes can be written to transmit buffer of serial communication. |
HardwareSerial::begin() |
sets theg communication speed and other settings. |
HardwareSerial::end() |
ends the serial communication and sets RX and TX pins to normal input/output mode. |
HardwareSerial::flush() |
sends all data in the serial transmit buffer. |
HardwareSerial::HardwareSerial() |
constractor of HardwareSerial. |
HardwareSerial::operator bool() |
checks if the serial port is available or not. |
HardwareSerial::peek() |
reads data from receive buffer without modifying the buffer. |
HardwareSerial::read() |
reads data from receive buffer. |
HardwareSerial::write() |
wites binary data to serial port. |
HardwareSerial.cpp |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of HardwareSerial.cpp. |
HardwareSerial.h |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of HardwareSerial.h. |
HardwareSerial0.cpp |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of HardwareSerial0.cpp. |
hooks.c |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of hooks.c. |
init() |
initializes the timer counter, AD converter and serial communication of ATmega328P. |
Internal Structure of Arduino Software |
Analyzing the implementation and internal structure of the Arduino Software. |
Internal Structure of Arduino Software |
Analyzing the implementation and internal structure of the Arduino Software. |
Internal Structure of Arduino Software(AVR-GCC) |
Analyzing the implementation and internal structure of the Arduino Software. |
Interrupt Vectors |
Definitions of the interrupt vectors. |
interrupt.h |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of interrupt.h. |
interrupts()/noInterrupts() |
enables or disables the interrupts. |
iom328p.h |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of iom328p.h. |
ISR() |
macro that executes an assembler instruction to disable interrupts. |
Laboratory |
Experimental results to examine the usage and characteristics of the device. |
micros() |
returns the number of microseconds since the board has booted. |
millis() |
returns the number of milliseconds since the board has booted. |
noTone() |
stops the output of square wave. |
Output Compare Register |
registers to set the duty ratio for PWM output. |
pgm_read_byte_near() |
macro that reads a byte of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area). |
pgm_read_byte() |
macro that read a word of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area). |
pgm_read_word_near() |
macro that reads a word of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area). |
pgm_read_word() |
macro that read a word of data stored in a specified address(PROGMEM area). |
pgmspace.h |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of pgmspace.h. |
registers to control digital I/O. |
pinMode() |
function to configure the port as an input or an output. |
Playing with Arduino |
Pages to record my playing with Arduino. |
registers for bi-directional I/O. |
portInputRegister() |
macro that returns an input port register of the specified port. |
portModeRegister() |
macro that returns a mode register that controlls the mode of the specified port. |
portOutputRegister() |
macro that returns an output port register of the specified port. |
pulseIn() |
measures the time of input pulse. |
Registers for serial communication |
Registers for serial communication. |
RSS Reader |
An experiment of RSS reader using Arduino core for the ESP 32 and OLED character display. |
sbi() |
macro to set the bit(the second argument) of the address(the first argument) to 1. |
sei() |
macro that executes an assembler instruction to enable interrupts. |
Serial |
definition of Serial object. |
sfr_defs.h |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of sfr_defs.h. |
shiftIn() |
gets 8 bit of data and assembles them into 1 byte of data. |
shiftOut() |
sends a byte of data bit by bit. |
macro to define a function to register to interrupt vectors. |
Status register of ATmega328P. |
Timer/Counter Control Register |
registers to control timers and counters. |
Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register |
registers to control timer interruption. |
Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register |
registers related to timer interruption. |
Timer/Counter Register |
registers incremented by each timer clock. |
TIMER0_OVF_vect |
interrupt handler that is executed when the Timer/Counter0(TCNT0) overflows. |
interrupt handler which is called when the timer/counter2(TCNT2) becomes the same value of compare register(OCR2A). |
Tone.cpp |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of Tone.cpp. |
tone() |
generates square wave with specified frequency. |
toneBegin() |
manages the relation of pin and timer. |
turnOffPWM() |
stops PWM output of a specified timer. |
USART_RX_vect |
an interrupt handler that is called when a data is received using serial communication. |
an interrupt handler that is called when a data can be transmitted using serial communication. |
registers related to Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous serial Receiver and Transmitter. |
WInterrupts.c |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of WInterrupts.c. |
wiring_analog.c |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_analog.c. |
wiring_digital.c |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_digital.c. |
wiring_private.h |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_private.h. |
wiring_pulse.c |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_pulse.c. |
wiring_pulse.S |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_pulse.S. |
wiring_shift.c |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring_shift.c. |
wiring.c |
Analysis result of the implementation and internal structure of wiring.c. |
yield() |
function to relinquish the CPU. |