The shiftIn() gets 8 bit of data and assembles them into 1 byte of data.
Source Code
The shiftIn() is defined in hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino/wiring_shift.c as below.
The inputs are dataPin, clockPin and bitOrder and they all are uint8_t, returns uint8_t.
It loops to get 8 bits of data. First it makes the clockPin HIGH using digitalWrite().
Put the received data, which is got by digitalRead(), into the value.
When the bitOrder is LSBFIRST, this function assembles data from LSB. In the i-th loop, it puts the received data to the i-th bit of value.
When the bitOrder is not LSBFIRST, this function assembles data from MSB. In the i-th loop, it puts the received data to the (7 - i-th) bit of value.
After receiving a bit, it outputs LOW to the clockPin.
Finally it returns the value.
Arduino AVR Boards 1.8.6
Last Update
March 21, 2023