The Serial.availableForWrite()/HardwareSerial::availableForWrite() returns how many bytes can be written to transmit buffer of serial communication.
Source Code
The HardwareSerial::availableForWrite() is defined in hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp as below.
No input, returns int.
Calculate the number of available bytes in the buffer.
In case of tx_buffer_tail ≦ tx_buffer_head, tx_buffer_tail + SERIAL_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - tx_buffer_head - 1 is the available bytes in the buffer.
In case of tx_buffer_tail > tx_buffer_head, tx_buffer_tail - tx_buffer_head - 1 is the available bytes in the buffer.
Arduino AVR Boards 1.8.6
Last Update
August 25, 2019