

Arduino Release v3.0.1 based on ESP-IDF v5.1.4

Arduino Release v3.0.1 based on ESP-IDF v5.1.4がリリースされました。


You can now run Arduino and MicroPython side-by-side on multi-core microcontrollers

MicroPython 1.23から、OpenAMPが利用できるそうです。

Starting with the upcoming release (v1.23), MicroPython will offer support for Asymmetric Multiprocessing (AMP) on multi-core microcontrollers, based on the industry standard OpenAMP framework (see the MicroPython openamp module documentation for more information).


This enables Arduino users to run both an Arduino sketch and a MicroPython program simultaneously on multi-core modules and to communicate between the two. Supported boards include the Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi, Portenta H7, and Nicla Vision.


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