Arduino Programs Blink
This sketch demonstrates the Keyboard library.
For Leonardo and Due boards only.
When you connect pin 2 to ground, it creates a new window with a key
combination (CTRL-N), then types in the Blink sketch, then auto-formats the
text using another key combination (CTRL-T), then uploads the sketch to the
currently selected Arduino using a final key combination (CTRL-U).
- Arduino Leonardo, Micro, Due, LilyPad USB, or Yún
- wire to connect D2 to ground
created 5 Mar 2012
modified 29 Mar 2012
by Tom Igoe
modified 3 May 2014
by Scott Fitzgerald
This example is in the public domain.
*/#include"Keyboard.h"// use this option for OSX.
// Comment it out if using Windows or Linux:
charctrlKey=KEY_LEFT_GUI;// use this option for Windows and Linux.
// leave commented out if using OSX:
// char ctrlKey = KEY_LEFT_CTRL;
voidsetup(){// make pin 2 an input and turn on the pull-up resistor so it goes high unless
// connected to ground:
pinMode(2,INPUT_PULLUP);// initialize control over the keyboard:
voidloop(){while(digitalRead(2)==HIGH){// do nothing until pin 2 goes low
delay(500);}delay(1000);// new document:
Keyboard.press(ctrlKey);Keyboard.press('n');delay(100);Keyboard.releaseAll();// wait for new window to open:
delay(1000);// versions of the Arduino IDE after 1.5 pre-populate new sketches with
// setup() and loop() functions let's clear the window before typing anything new
// select all
Keyboard.press(ctrlKey);Keyboard.press('a');delay(500);Keyboard.releaseAll();// delete the selected text
Keyboard.write(KEY_BACKSPACE);delay(500);// Type out "blink":
Keyboard.println("void setup() {");Keyboard.println("pinMode(13, OUTPUT);");Keyboard.println("}");Keyboard.println();Keyboard.println("void loop() {");Keyboard.println("digitalWrite(13, HIGH);");Keyboard.print("delay(3000);");// 3000 ms is too long. Delete it:
for(intkeystrokes=0;keystrokes<6;keystrokes++){delay(500);Keyboard.write(KEY_BACKSPACE);}// make it 1000 instead:
Keyboard.println("1000);");Keyboard.println("digitalWrite(13, LOW);");Keyboard.println("delay(1000);");Keyboard.println("}");// tidy up:
Keyboard.press(ctrlKey);Keyboard.press('t');delay(100);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(3000);// upload code:
Keyboard.press(ctrlKey);Keyboard.press('u');delay(100);Keyboard.releaseAll();// wait for the sweet oblivion of reprogramming: